Another developer wrote a helpful article on what they came up with, but unfortunately they ended up testing implementation details, which is something I wanted to avoid. One developer asked back in August of 2019 for help but received no replies.

After doing some research though, it seemed that a few people had tried this in the past but had hit a dead end. I thought that surely someone else has tried this before and has written about it. For this reason, Google, Stack Overflow, and developer forums are your friend. Nearly everything has been done before in one form or another.
#Javascript css html tester software
It’s very rare in the world of software engineering that you are the first person to attempt something. I thought this might be a good starting point. Dodds’ React Testing Library is built on top of his DOM Testing Library, which, as its name implies, is a library that helps you test the DOM. When testing these interfaces, I started out using Enzyme years ago, but I’ve since come to favor React Testing Library and the philosophy that you should test your app in the same way that users use your app rather than test implementation details. Generally I choose to build user interfaces with React. I’ve also done end-to-end testing using Cypress or Selenium. I’m primarily a front end software engineer, so my areas of expertise include writing unit tests with Jest as my test framework and either Enzyme or React Testing Library as my test library when working with React. In my professional life, I’ve done a good bit of testing. This article and its accompanying GitHub repo are the result of that question. Just a plain old index.html file and some vanilla JavaScript. In other words, no React, Angular, or Vue.

#Javascript css html tester code
Recently I was curious about something: Is it possible to write unit tests for front end code that doesn’t use any sort of UI framework or developer tooling?